

C.I. OROMETRO S.A.S., aware of its context in the Colombian mining sector and the risk scenarios to which the company is exposed in the development of its missions, is thus committed to transparency and reliability in its supply chain.

In order to achieve this purpose, it has established a Control and Security Management System that seeks to minimize -through the implementation of
specific measures- the probability of occurrence of risks and to reduce their impact should they materialize. It also seeks to ensure safe use of information technologies and to promote a culture of security within C.I. OROMETRO S.A.S. for the prevention of illicit activities, especially those related to illegal mining, corruption, bribery, money laundering, financing of terrorism, proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction and other situations that may affect the integrity of the processes, the company’s operation and its stakeholders.

 This commitment is developed in compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements demanded by the National Government as well as those to which the company has committed itself with other entities. For this purpose, we have the
different technical, human and technological resources necessary for the operation of the Control and Security Management System (SGCS, for its Spanish acronym), which in turn is framed within a scheme of continuous improvement